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Barraki Takadox

The Barraki are powerful warlords condemned to the Pit ages ago for daring to rebel against the Great Spirit. After the Great Cataclysm struck and destroyed the inner pit, the Barraki escaped to the Outher pit, where they mutated. They see the Mask of Life as the key to their freedom and will destroy Mahri Nui to get it if they must.

Takadox is taller and more horrific than all other Barraki. He lurks in a little rocky cave which glows in the dark. When somebody passes by he strikes with blinding speed.

A schemer, Takadox is always seeking an edge over his enemies – and his friends. He is the most skilled Barraki at planning, seeing all of life as a game board and everyone in it as pieces to be moved how he wishes.